For clients
Basic information
Česky | English
SAB servis is a service company that provides services to financial advisors – individuals and advisory firms of various sizes. It covers their activities, which consist mainly in facilitating the purchase of financial services (financial products) from their providers by end customers, and provides them with methodological guidance and technical tools to facilitate their performance. It also directs and monitors the performance of their activities, for which it is responsible to the extent provided for by generally binding legislation.
The aim of this page is to provide you, the clients of the financial advisers serviced by SAB servis, with important information concerning our brokerage activities. We carry out this activity mainly in sectors of financial services brokerage that are subject to strict public regulation (provision of investment services, consumer credit brokerage, insurance brokerage, supplementary pension savings brokerage), but also in areas that are not regulated.
SAB servis is an investment broker pursuant to Act No. 256/2004 Coll., on Capital Market Business, as amended, and its advisors act as its tied agents or their employees. In this capacity, we exclusively provide investment services of receiving and transmitting orders for investment instruments or investment advice on investment instruments which are collective investment securities (issued by collective investment funds, qualified investor funds or comparable foreign investment funds) or bonds for which a prospectus or comparable document has been issued. We only provide instructions on investment instruments to securities dealers, banks or investment firms with whom we have agreements. Advisers are prohibited from acting as brokers or betters in relation to investment instruments offered by other securities dealers, banks, investment companies or directly by their issuers that SAB servis does not have in its product portfolio. We never carry out brokerage or betting activities in relation to investment instruments that are prohibited from being offered to the public or that we are not allowed to broker as an investment broker (e.g., shares, investment certificates, bonds without a prospectus, “alternative” investment funds according to Section 15 of the ZISIF Act, derivatives, promissory notes, etc.).
The mandatory disclosures can be found here: Information Sheet – Investment (pdf)
You can check the existence and scope of the authorisation here:
We cooperate with the following partners:
Amundi Czech Republic Asset Management, a.s.
ATRIS investiční společnost, a.s.
AVANT investiční společnost, a.s.
CODYA investiční společnost, a.s.
Colosseum, a.s.
Conseq Investment Management, a.s.
CYRRUS, a.s.
EFEKTA obchodní k s cennými papíry a.s.
Generali Investments CEE, investiční společnost, a.s.
INVESTIKA, investiční společnost, a.s.
J&T BANKA, a.s.
Moventum a.s.
Moventum - EIC
UNIQA investiční společnost, a.s.
WOOD & Company Financial Services, a.s.
WOOD & Company investiční společnost, a.s.
WOOD & Company - Edward
SAB servis acts as an independent insurance broker pursuant to Act No. 170/2018 Coll., on the Distribution of Insurance and Reinsurance, as amended, and its advisors act as its tied agents or their employees. In this capacity, we act as an insurance agent, i.e., for the insurance companies we represent on the basis of the contracts we have concluded with them. We make recommendations to clients with a view to arranging or substantially changing insurance; only in relation to insurance with a reserving component do we provide (individualised) advice to clients.
The mandatory information can be found here: Information Sheet – insurance (pdf)
You can check the existence and scope of the authorisation here:
In connection with the brokerage of a consumer credit for housing (mortgage loan), we also offer clients the possibility of becoming insured in the insurance related to the brokered credit, the insurer of which is the credit provider. In doing so, we act as the contractual representative of the insurer.
We cooperate with the following insurance companies:
Allianz pojišťovna, a.s.
BNP Paribas Cardif Pojišťovna, a.s.
Colonnade Insurance S.A., organizační složka
Česká podnikatelská pojišťovna, a.s., Vienna Insurance Group
ČSOB Pojišťovna, a.s., člen holdingu ČSOB
Direct pojišťovna, a.s.
D.A.S. Rechtsschutz AG, pobočka pro ČR
SV pojišťovna, a.s.
ERV Evropská pojišťovna, a.s.
Europ Assistance s.r.o.
Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s.
INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE, organizační složka, zastoupená AXA ASSISTANCE CZ, s. r. o.
Komerční pojišťovna, a.s.
Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s., Vienna Insurance Group
Lloyd's Insurance Company SA zastoupená LEADENHALL INSURANCE S.A.
MAXIMA pojišťovna, a.s.
MetLife Europe d.a.c., pobočka pro Českou republiku
NN Životní pojišťovna N.V., pobočka pro Českou republiku
Pojišťovna VZP, a.s.
Österreichische Hagelversicherung – Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit, organizační složka (Agra pojišťovna)
Pillow pojišťovna, a.s.
Slavia pojišťovna a.s.
UNIQA pojišťovna, a.s.
Youplus Insurance International AG, pobočka pro Českou republiku
SAB servis acts as an independent (consumer credit) broker pursuant to Act No. 257/2016 Coll., on Consumer Credit, as amended, and its advisors act as its tied agents or their employees. In this capacity, we act for (bank or non-bank) providers of consumer credit, whom we represent on the basis of contracts we have concluded with them. We provide our clients with recommendations aimed at arranging consumer credit, not (individualised) advice.
The mandatory information can be found here: Information Sheet – consumer credit (pdf)
You can check the existence and scope of the authorisation here:
We also act as a broker or better in relation to non-consumer credits and leasing, which are generally intended for natural or legal persons in business.
We cooperate with the following providers:
Consumer credits:
Air Bank a.s.
COFIDIS s.r.o.
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
ČSOB Hypoteční banka, a.s.
ČSOB Leasing, a.s.
ČSOB Stavební spořitelna, a.s.
Home Credit a.s.
Komerční banka, a.s.
mBank S.A.
Modrá pyramida stavební spořitelna, a.s.
NEY spořitelní družstvo
Oberbank AG
Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dressden a.s.
Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna a.s.
Raiffeisenbank a.s.
Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny, a.s.
TGI Money a.s.
UniCredit Bank, a.s.
Business credits:
Artesa, spořitelní družstvo
Ayvens s.r.o.
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
ČSOB Leasing, a.s.
Komerční banka, a.s.
Modrá pyramida stavební spořitelna, a.s.
NEY spořitelní družstvo
Oberbank AG
Raiffeisen – Leasing, s.r.o.
Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna a.s.
Raiffeisenbank a.s.
Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny, a.s.
UniCredit Bank, a.s.
SAB servis acts as an independent broker (of supplementary pension savings) pursuant to Act No 427/2011 Coll., on supplementary pension savings, as amended, and its advisers act as its tied agents or their employees. In this capacity, we act for the pension funds that we represent on the basis of the contracts we have concluded with them. We provide clients with recommendations for the selection of savings strategies.
The mandatory information can be found here: Information Sheet – supplementary pension savings (pdf)
You can check the existence and scope of the authorisation here:
We cooperate with the following providers:
Allianz penzijní společnost, a.s.
Conseq penzijní společnost, a.s.
Česká spořitelna – penzijní společnost, a.s.
ČSOB Penzijní společnost, a.s., člen skupiny ČSOB
Generali penzijní společnost, a.s.
NN Penzijní společnost, a.s.
KB Penzijní společnost, a.s.
UNIQA penzijní společnost, a.s.
We also perform brokerage or betting activities in relation to other savings products or services, such as building savings under Act No. 96/1993 Coll., on Building Savings and State Support for Building Savings, or bank savings products (current and savings accounts).
We cooperate with the following providers:
Building savings:
Modrá pyramida stavební spořitelna, a.s.
Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna a.s.
Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny, a.s.
Bank savings products:
Artesa, spořitelní družstvo
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
J&T BANKA, a.s.
mBank S.A.
NEY spořitelní družstvo
Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna a.s.
UniCredit Bank, a.s.
We also provide brokerage or betting and educational activities in relation to alternative services, products or opportunities that serve to preserve or enhance the value of client funds. We consider these services or products to be an alternative or complement to standard investment instruments or services and select their providers, which may be banks (time deposits) or unregulated entities (precious metals or coins minted from them, cryptocurrencies, investment properties), conscientiously. Advisors are prohibited from engaging in brokerage or betting activities with respect to services, products or opportunities from providers that SAB servis does not have in its product portfolio. The brokerage of these alternative services, products or opportunities is not subject to public regulation, which protects investors from making an uninformed, unreasonable (the investment does not reflect the investor’s knowledge or experience) or inappropriate (the investment does not reflect the investor’s financial situation, including the investor’s ability to bear losses, or the investor’s investment objectives, including the investor’s tolerance for risk) investment decision. Clients should therefore make informed decisions about their purchase, carefully consider their nature and the risks involved and invest only a reasonable proportion of the total amount of funds they intend to invest. In the case of services or products whose returns are not guaranteed, they must also take into account the possibility of losses, which can be significant in the case of high-risk products such as cryptocurrencies.
We cooperate with the following providers:
21M Finance CZ s.r.o.
Bohemian Estates International s.r.o.
Česká mincovna, a.s.
IBIS InGold, a.s.
Mandatory information on the processing of personal data can be found here:
Information Sheet – information on the processing of personal data (pdf)
Privacy and Cookies Policy
The rules for filing and handling complaints can be found here:
Complaints Procedure (pdf)
Mandatory information on sustainability in financial services can be found here:
Sustainability risk integration policies (pdf)
Sustainability terms explanation (pdf)
Sustainability considering adverse impacts – insurance (pdf)
Sustainability considering adverse impacts – investments (pdf)
If you have any questions about our brokerage activities, please contact us at or +420 733 538 063.